The Power of Nature: Tips for Treating Sleep Apnea with Aromatherapy


Whether we like it or not, sleep apnea is a quite common condition in people all over the world. It’s a sleep disorder that causes the person to stop breathing periodically during the night, causing him to snore. During this time, the body and brain stop receiving enough oxygen and given the fact that sleep apnea sufferers can stop breathing somewhere between 20 and 100 times or even more, imagine how much damage this could make. No matter how annoying or funny snoring can be to some of you, unfortunately, this is a condition that can have huge consequences on the health if it’s left untreated.

Except for snoring, there are some other signs that could be considered as symptoms of sleep apnea. Some of them are waking up in the middle of the night with a dry or sore throat, waking up in the night choking or gasping for air, waking up frequently during the night, sleeping restlessly, having insomnia, daytime fatigue and loss of energy, forgetfulness, mood swings and so on. But besides wearing the bulky sleep apnea masks, practice shows that there is another way of treating or aiding sleep apnea sufferers and that is with the use of aromatherapy or to be more precise with the help of essential oils for sleep apnea.

How Can Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Help with Sleep Apnea?

As we all know by now, aromatherapy is an alternative and holistic therapy for numerous health conditions. It has been used since ever, and nowadays more and more people are leaning on this natural approach for treating numerous health conditions among which treating sleep apnea is quite common. Given the fact that there are different types of essential oils, you should keep in mind that not all of them can aid with sleep apnea. However, there are some oils for sleep apnea that can improve breathing and help you relax, which on the other hand, can reduce snoring at night.

The Most Popular Essential Oils in Reducing Sleep Apnea Symptoms


One of the most common uses of eucalyptus since ancient times is for clearing sinuses and for relieving cold symptoms. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, this essential oil has the ability to interact with the mucus membranes in order to loosen up the mucus and reduce it. It’s said that by clearing the mucus, this essential oil can provide relief to people who suffer from sleep apnea caused by congestion. You can either add a few drops of it in an aromatherapy diffuser on a daily basis and especially at night, or you can inhale it directly from the bottle.


Although mainly used for relieving pain in sore joints and relaxing stiff muscles, pine essential oil has also been used for opening up the airways in order to provide relief from asthma, bronchitis, colds, flu and asthma. Consequently, this essential oil can also help you reduce snoring and help you breathe easier through the night.



Just like some of the aforementioned essential oils, peppermint essential oil is primarily used for treating a number of other conditions like headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea and cold. However, because of its anti-inflammatory properties, this essential oil is also used for clearing nasal congestion which can result in clearing the airway passages, thus, reducing snoring and providing snorers with a better night’s sleep.


Even though mainly used for relieving toothache, clove is also used for loosening up phlegm in the chest. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and antibacterial properties which are great in breaking up the phlegm which usually moves to the back of the throat when sleeping at night.


Ylang-ylang is another essential oil that can help you reduce the symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea. Thanks to its sedative effect, this essential oil can relax and open the airways which on the other hand, can allow you to breathe better. Aside from this, ylang-ylang is also great for reducing high blood pressure, soothing an upset stomach and treating asthma, rheumatism and pneumonia.

As you can see, there are many essential oils that may help you reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea and snoring. Besides using them on your own, you can also blend together different essential oils in order to create the perfect mix for you. Except for using them in a diffuser and inhaling them directly from the bottle, you can also use them by applying them directly to the skin. Just keep in mind that for the latter, you’ll need to mix them with a carrier oil in order to avoid burning your skin and causing skin itchiness and redness.

In case some of the aforementioned essential oils don’t work for you, you can always try thyme, lavender, sage, lemon, etc. In fact, it’s said that a blend of lemon, thyme, peppermint, lavender and thyme essential oils is one of the most powerful combinations that has helped a lot of sleep apnea sufferers.

Published by zoearthur11

I wanna give the world a little touch of beauty and love with my posts. Love yourself firstly then share it with others. 🐕 lover 🎾 player 📸 professional photographer 🖋 graphic designer

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