A Guide to Choosing Decor Cushions for Your Home

At some point, all of us thought of making a change in our interior design. But we want to do it without spending a lot of money. Nowadays, there are many budget-friendly ways to do this. By replacing accessories, the room gets a new look and a breath of freshness. One of the best ways to do this is to change your decorative cushions.


Before going out and buying the cushions you should first look around the area and decide on the dimensions. The size is a very important consideration. If you get it right, it’s a game-changer. While browsing for living room cushions, you’ll encounter many sizes, from small, geometrically shaped ones to large and disproportional cushions.

The main purpose of these pillows is to complement your sofa or couch. They should never overwhelm or cover it completely. But keep in mind that if they’re too small, you won’t even notice them and there won’t be any change in the interior design.

For example, if you own a regular-sized sofa, the best solution would be to buy square, 50cm cushions. But if you have a couch with a low back go with 40-45cm ones. You can even add a rectangular one in the mix and spruce things up. If you want to make the décor even prettier and have room for improvement, combine different sizes.

You can start with the smallest one at one end and go bigger and bigger as you get through the end. Or you could put the bigger ones in the back and the smaller ones in front of them. And if the seating area is big enough, you can position them in a triangle, one big in the back and 2 small ones in the front. There are plenty of options when it comes to placement.


A room can gain a new depth by adding new shapes to the interior. The most popular and flexible type of décor pillows is square ones. They’ll look great on any sofa, couch, armchair, or bench. Right after square-shaped is the rectangular-shaped ones. They look lovely on a rocking chair, in the middle of the sofa, or on one side of the couch.

There are box-shaped cushions that are not very popular but can be very playful and look extravagant on the furniture. Bolster pillows are one of the oldest shapes and give a timeless and classic look to the room. They are long and round and look perfect right by the armrest of the sofa. A lot of people use them as bedroom decoration, and it works perfectly.

And finally, round-shaped ones. They’re not as popular as they used to be but work well with vintage and traditional pieces of furniture. They can look awkward on their own, so it’s a good idea to mix them with another shape.


Usually, the first thing we notice on a pillow is the colour. The living room cushions should always match the colour palette of the room. However, there’s no rule on matching them with the sofa or the chair they’re placed upon. Depending on the colour palette you can do that, but it’s not a must. The best way to incorporate the pillow in the furniture is to either buy the exact same colour, or something on the opposite side of the wheel.

You can blend it in, or make it stand out, it depends on you and your personal preferences. It’s a good idea to start off by determining the anchor of the room. This can be the sofa, carpet, curtains or anything else big enough to hold this role. If your room has soft and neutral tones, you can go with brightly coloured cushions to add a pop of colour. Or if you already have enough colour and you want to tone it down, pick a more neutral hue for the pillows.


Patterns are something people don’t want to incorporate a lot. Don’t be afraid to use them. Sometimes you should be bold to make the room stand out. As long as the colours are complementary, a patterned pillow on a simple piece of fabric may be a lot of fun. Keep in mind that patterns should enhance the room’s aesthetic while also complementing its colours and fabrics.

However, having too many patterns might be distracting and cluttered. If you like floral patterns, you can choose between large, bold blooms in vibrant hues or little, eye-catching floral patterns. Geometric designs, straight or curved lines, or polka dots in a variety of sizes can also be a nice alternative.


Another crucial component of décor cushions is texture. It gives the scene more depth, nuance, and brightness. Feel free to experiment with them and you’ll get a unique-looking room filled with fun elements. The pillow coverings can feature materials such as leather, silk, velvet, faux or even pom poms. It’s always a good idea to consider how these textures feel on your skin. Some people are sensitive and not every texture is comfortable for them.


You might not think of this at first when you’re looking for cushions online, but the filling of the pillow has a big impact on its comfort and durability. Each type of filling has its own different properties and there’s something for everyone on the market.


Polyester filling it the most budget-friendly alternative. If the cushions will be just a décor and not something to put your head on, this is the best option. Otherwise, you’ll have to replace them much sooner than you think.


Cushions filled with down are more luxurious and durable than those made of synthetic materials. On the other side, they may cost twice as much, so this might be an issue for some people. Down feels more comfortable to rest on and you can easily fluff it back into shape.


If you want something that can hold up its shape, foam is the right choice. It’s a filling that works with round and bolsters cushions the best. But sometimes manufacturers use it in square and rectangular-shaped ones. Foam is also very durable and holds its shape well.

Published by zoearthur11

I wanna give the world a little touch of beauty and love with my posts. Love yourself firstly then share it with others. 🐕 lover 🎾 player 📸 professional photographer 🖋 graphic designer

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