Tree Pruning for Beginners: When and How to Do It

If you have a dangerous tree on your property, it’s best to let professional tree surgeons take care of it. Spotting such a tree is easy, but trying to cut it can be risky; you can easily harm yourself and others, or damage your or other people’s property. If you live in the Canberra area, it’s best to get tree pruning Canberra services.

How to Spot a Dangerous Tree

You don’t have to be a professional tree surgeon to spot a dangerous or ill tree. Different indicators will tell you that something is going on that affects the tree’s health. Brown, withered or dead branches, no leaves at all, and small height (or huge in some cases) are typical indicators of an old or dangerous tree.

When the dead branches are big, it’s best not to cut them down on your own. A dangerous and damaged tree has seasonal cracks on the surface of its trunks (the trunk is an indicator of the tree’s health) which can easily lead to cracks and collapsing of branches and the entire tree. Always check the tree’s trunk and look for potential cracks, cavities or deeper splits; these can have soil, damage or rot of the trunk. Notice if the tree has an unusual shape or stunted growth. 

A dying tree will have thin, discoloured and thin leaves. It’s good to know that not every damaged tree is dangerous, but some might be a real threat. If the tree is near a house, parking lot, or a power line, it could be dangerous if a branch falls out. This is why you should seek professionals to remove it as soon as possible.

Hire Professionals

Even if you have cut or pruned a tree before, never do it yourself and call a tree trimming professional. For instance, if you live in Canbera, call tree pruning Canberra professionals. These tree surgeons will come over to your place to inspect the tree and remove branches or cut the entire tree professionally and safely. If you’re trying to remove the tree yourself, you may hurt yourself, hurt others and damage your and other people’s properties.

Besides that, you might cut off healthy branches, or worse, cut off a healthy tree. Professionals will safely do the job, without causing any problems or harming anyone. Trying to cut or prune the tree yourself is an expensive process because if a branch falls onto your car or damages the neighbour’s rooftop, you will have to pay for the damage.
Another thing that many people often forget is that they don’t have the right tools. A simple chainsaw might not be enough for this process. The tree pruning service professionals will do the job with professional tree-cutting tools and take care of your other trees that might need help. These people are educated, have practice and experience and will do the job safely and much faster than you.

What is Pruning and When to Do It

Pruning or trimming should be done regularly so your trees stay healthy, and also to keep their shape. Pruning influences the way the tree grows; this is why proper pruning can give the tree its structural integrity. Keeping the tree’s structure lowers the risk of broken limbs and falling branches. If you regularly do it, you won’t have to deal with branches that grow all over the place which affects weight distribution that could cause disaster as the tree grows. Pruning is essential for the general look of the tree and should be done in late fall or winter when the tree is in the dormant season and is least susceptible to harm. Trees are sensitive to stress like any other living being, so cutting their branches harm the tree if done during spring or summer.

Can You Remove Trees from Your Territory

Even if you have planted the tree, according to ACT, there is legislation that protects trees, so before removing or pruning the trees on your territory, be sure to check if you need development approval from the Tree Protection Unit at the Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS). The regulation applies to trees of 12m or higher, with a canopy 12m or wider, a trunk circumference of 1.5m or more, 1m above natural ground level and/or two or more trunks and the entire circumference of all the trunks, 1m above natural ground level is 1.5m or more.  

Power Line Clearance and Distribution Line Clearance Requirements

Power lines should be considered as well. If the tree grows on your property and interferes with the power lines, you should consider calling a tree removal service.  Not every tree that grows near public utilities has the same power line clearance requirements, but it’s still a good idea to seek professional help. Power lines have various voltage, transmission and distribution lines that have various line clearance regulations to prevent blackouts.
Transmission lines have high voltage transmission lines and run on steel towers or big wooden structures with several lines. They run the electricity from the power plant to the substations for pick up. Power lines need a clear space, which means there shouldn’t be any trees or other vegetation. Trees that grow near the transmission power line must be trimmed so there is no contact.

Published by zoearthur11

I wanna give the world a little touch of beauty and love with my posts. Love yourself firstly then share it with others. 🐕 lover 🎾 player 📸 professional photographer 🖋 graphic designer

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