Non-Toxic Brow Gel: Keep Your Eyebrow Game Strong Without Any Risky Ingredients

applying brow gel

What Is a Non Toxic Brow Gel?

Well, as the name implies, these gels contain no harmful chemicals, toxins, preservatives or some other harmful ingredients that can pose a potential hazard to your health. Instead, they contain goodies that will cause no skin irritation. Unfortunately, not all brands are ingredient-conscious which is why you should do thorough research in order to find the right one.

How to Use It?

applying non toxic brow gel

The truth is that you can have perfect brows with non toxic brow gel within 5 minutes only if you choose a good one and know how to use it of course. Whether you want to obtain the effect of fuller brows or you just want to lock your natural ones in place, this gel can certainly come in handy, so having one at home is a must.

An important thing to know about this makeup product is that it can be used on both natural and filled brows, the only rule though is to have your brows groomed and tidied.

Natural and Fluffy Brows

To obtain the effect of natural and fluffy brows with a brow gel, you’ll need to grow the hairs on your eyebrows both upwards and outwards. Just make sure to start from the root to the tip to create a natural look.

Fuller and More Defined Brows

First things first, you should fill in your brows a bit with the help of your favourite tool, whether this is a pencil, a brow kit or a pomade. Once done, groom your brows with the help of a brow gel by gently brushing the product on the brows’ hair in order to ensure a good application.

Types of Gels for Brows

Clear vs. Tinted

Generally speaking, you can choose between two types of brow gels – clear and tinted versions. The clear one is mainly used to keep brows in one position. Once applied, your eyebrows will obtain a nice and clean look, keeping all hair in one place. However, if you want to achieve the same effect only with a bit of tint and colour, then you should try and use the tinted versions of eyebrow gels. These gels are perfect when you don’t have the time to fill in your brows with a pencil or pomade but you want to make them look fuller, thicker and defined at the same time.

Things to Look for in a Clean Brow Gel

non toxic eyebrow gel

A good and clean brow gel should have a small brush-like applicator that can brush your brows and keep them in place. It should have a smoother gel-like formula that won’t stiffen or flake off when applied. The chosen should also be smudge-proof and if possible, it should contain shea butter, aloe leaf juice, sunflower seed oil or coconut oil. If the chosen brow product contains at least one of these ingredients, you’ll be able to keep your eyebrows in place while keeping them strong and healthy.

When in the search for the right ones, look for gels that come from trusted and reputable brands in order to get the best of both worlds – quality and longevity.

What to Do When Out of Toxic-Free Brow Gel?

When out of toxic-free gel for brows, you can always make your own at home with the help of some basic ingredients from your kitchen. Of course, this can be too messy for some of you, however, you should give it a try when out of options. To make it you’ll need:

  • Aloe Vera – natural gel on its one that will nourish and keep hair in place.
  • Raw Honey – perfect for making the gel dry faster while giving the brows a soft and natural look.
  • Jojoba Oil – the best waxy oil that is perfect for all skin types.
  • Rosehip Seed Oil – adding it will nourish your skin and brow hair.
  • Cacao Powder – perfect for adding colour to the gel.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil – perfect for promoting hair growth and preventing excess oil build-up, especially on the skin around the brows.

In case the colour is too light for you, you can always build it by adding more cocoa for a brown hue, however, if you want something reddish or darker like black for instance, you can always add beet powder or charcoal.

Mix all ingredients together and store the gel in a dry small jar with a lid, or in a ready-made eyebrow gel applicator tube. Storing it in the fridge between uses is paramount in order to keep it in good condition.

This eyebrow gel is all about giving you a light and natural tint to your eyebrows while keeping them in place all day. Thanks to the natural ingredients, it’ll promote hair growth and will keep them shiny and healthy looking.

Published by zoearthur11

I wanna give the world a little touch of beauty and love with my posts. Love yourself firstly then share it with others. 🐕 lover 🎾 player 📸 professional photographer 🖋 graphic designer

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